Everyday in my private practice, I come close to what feels like human vulnerability and fear. I also connect with the deep desire in my clients (and myself) to break away from the shackles of self-created restrictions.
We might want to connect to our true purpose, learn to stay in the present moment, do great things, or just overcome procrastination. We might perhaps want to break away from an eating disorder, a love-hate relationship with our spouse, or our own expectations of what we SHOULD, MUST and HAVE TO do. Whatever be our desire and hope for ourselves, I have come to realize that it all begins with gentleness towards ourselves. The first step is to acknowledge the many ways in which we are hard on ourselves.
Below is a wonderful video from Luc Benson’s move Angel, that addresses the need to look at that harsh inner critic within and soften our stance towards ourselves in order to allow ourselves the freedom to live with courage and happiness
Here are some of the ways we can begin to cultivate an appreciation towards ourselves.
Journaling Prompt for you: What do you see when you look into the mirror?