My shy disclosure to the world that I maintain a journal often brought me to see friends gasping. Funnily for me, I’ve also had friends urging me not to write about them.
Whatever it is I’m sure, what you read today will resonate with most of you.
Anne Frank shook the world with her Journal much later after she died. Her diary, years later continues to inspire many young students to keep a journal.
Inspiration struck me. I started to keep a log of my thoughts in my early teens. Well, honestly it didn’t work that great. I continued with my failed attempts. Every time I walked in an aisle in the craft store, a book with a nice glossy cover caught my eye. Then again I resigned to write. But again an “EPIC FAIL”. My most recent failed attempt was about two years ago when I purchased a book with a three mast ship on it.
But things started to change a couple of months ago. Change of winds and change of life, I started working with Aarathi and she had introduced me to creative Journaling.
I knocked on that door that I felt was closed to me through Creative Journaling. I knocked to the door that has a path to myself.
Journaling is pages filled with words. But, what if words are not enough?
What if I told you Creative Journaling has other added advantages apart from your journal being just a though log?
Watch this video to know about what Creative Journaling is :
As healthy.net explains Creative Journaling is a tool for:
- personal growth
- health and healing
- inner child work
- creativity development
- life planning
- career and talent development
- parenting kids and teenagers
- spiritual practice
Fun Fact:
Did you know Leonardo da Vinci kept an art Journal?
Where do I start?
You don’t have to be an artist or an illustrator to start an art Journal.
Everything needs a start. There may be resistance or you may have doubts about how good you are.
All you need to know is “that there are no rules.” We focus on the process rather the product. We focus on exploring materials. Sigh! (A happy sigh and a longing to go back to my journal sigh)
We focus on emotions and feeling. We focus on uncovering our own stories.
Well, you can start off with a Journal. Make a trip to the nearby art supplies store.
- Pick up a Journal you like.
- Start with any materials. Simple crayons, color pencils or even the paints for that matter.
- If you are like me and need guidance on how to start off? Click here for the simple exercises.
- Make use of technology to inspire your self. There are so many websites, forums and videos on creative journaling on the internet that you could use to get you on an inspiration high.
- And a final tip: Do not compare your pages to anyone else’s. Believe in you and fall in love with your journal.
Reasons why you should Journal:
- De-clutter your thoughts: Often times we are lost in our thoughts. Thoughts that lead us nowhere. Ride us in circles and leave us dizzy. Through creative journaling channel your thoughts. Play with colors and draw random lines (read about creative journaling exercises) and de-clutter. Unwind at the end of the day or power start your day with a Creative Journal page.
- Create your personal space: In this busy world we live in, we run around like head less chickens. We feel disconnected. Yearn for some time for ourselves. Put a stop to your yearnings. Create a routine of ten minutes every day to Journal. It’s your space and your time.
- Tap into your creativity: Creative journaling does not come with a rule book. There are no rules here. For me, small bits of realization dawned on me, that I was my own critic and my biggest obstacle. Everyone is creative in their own ways. The processes of creative Journaling will tap help you flex that creative muscle.
- Watch the trailer: Through your Journal processes watch life unfold. If I said your creative journal would allow you to experience life like a movie trailer that would be an understatement.
- Time to Reflect: Reflect upon everyday and also those questions which you must have been seeking answers for a while now. Creative Journaling in my own personal experience has allowed me to seek answers for the questions. Ask a question in your mind and then follow it up with a doodle or a mandala. You will discover new things about yourself, the world or you might even find an answer to your question.