Last year I wrote over a hundred posts most of which disappeared into ether while I was rebuilding and redesigning this new space. However, some of my treasured writing was sent off to other sacred spaces on the web in the name of guests posts. I am glad I wrote for some amazing websites and online businesses and blogs last year for I can write a lovely look back for the year that was.

Reading PleasureHere are some of the posts I wrote in the last year that will give you an opportunity to pause and gather perspective this week. I hope that you enjoy:

  1. Early last year I wrote a post at Raising Loveliness called Cultivating a Sense of Appreciation for Ourselves. Often my clients ask me what it means to love themselves more and I point out these simple and brave tools they can use to cultivate compassion towards themselves.
  2. Experiments in Mindfulness for Folks who are busy is a post I wrote for Naomi Goodlet’s wonderful website. These are also simple tools that I share with participants in my mindfulness workshops to get them to start a mindfulness practice at home.
  3. 5 Simple ways of dealing with your toddler’s temper tantrums was written for Oowomaniya, the online magazine that focuses on women and women’s health. The article lists out ways in which compassion can be shown towards ourselves and our children during difficult moments.
  4. Once again last year I met my lovely friend Lisa Wilson on google hangout and we spoke about me! It was a little uncomfortable revealing so much of me to hear and everyone out there, but it was so good too to do it with a friend who I so deeply love and respect. You will find our conversation over at Here.
  5. How to Love Better: Mindfulness in Relationships: this is one post that I am incredible proud of. It was published in elephantjournal late last year and was one of their popular posts for a while as well.
  6. Two simple practices to live intentionally in our busy lives: the two simple practices were tools that I worked through with a client. They are simple and powerful practices that, when used consistently, will help us live more fully and intentionally in our everyday lives. This post was published over at Women’s Web.
  7. Last but not the least is the article that was posted on the last day of the year at TinyBuddha where I talk about Four simple ways to slow down so you don’t rush through life.

I hope that these posts help you pause and take with you the treasures of intentional living, into the new year. A happy and delightful 2015 to you!



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