Complex Trauma: Protective Factors and Causes
In our previous article on Complex Trauma, we talked about what complex trauma is. It is a cataclysmic situation that affects many people. Complex trauma is often misdiagnosed as Post
In our previous article on Complex Trauma, we talked about what complex trauma is. It is a cataclysmic situation that affects many people. Complex trauma is often misdiagnosed as Post
In this patriarchal society, where everyone is supposed to fit in a box made or defined by the ancient and obsolete norms laid down by our predecessors, this Hindi film
Our therapist Rafath sat down with Ravi, an occupational therapist who works with Ummeed Child Development Center and is also the co-founder of Narrative Practices India, to have a deep
We as human beings are susceptible to the thoughts, opinions and ideals of others around us, especially to what we see in the media. Motion picture works have acted as
Trauma is, for many of us, an enigma. Sometimes we can’t figure it out and even if we did, we just cannot ‘fix’ it. Trauma comes to us in many
Rafath Unnisa also adds in her expertise, “Body, as mindfulness taught me, is an anchor that constantly grounds our experiences and makes it possible for us to access them. By constantly checking in with our body and what we are experiencing in an embodied way makes it real and tangible. I feel that our bodies have deep wisdom which we often don’t give language to, and when we become aware of this and try to give language to our experience we also get closer to what’s actually happening and what we want for ourselves.”
DISCLAIMER: Please read our previous article, ‘Is Mental Health political?‘ to understand this article better! In our previous article, we discussed how mental health is political. We discussed what we
Identity is fundamental to our existence. It helps us belong to a certain group or to stand out from the structured binaries. What we choose to express to the world
Anjana Harish was a young queer woman who was sent to de-addiction camps in hopes that she would return to being “normal.” On May 12th, a young queer girl committed
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